Monday, October 26, 2009

Walking at the park

We decided to take the kids on a walk around Red Mountain Park on Sunday. They mostly had fun. Allison really doesn't like to walk so we had to encourage her often to keep going. I just realized most of the pics are from behind. Weird.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Summer Fun

It's been a while blogging world. We had such a busy summer. Here are a few things we did.

We went swimming...and swimming...
Aaron turned two...
We did sparklers...
We went to the zoo...
We went camping a few times...
We had a great summer with some ups and downs, especially for Aaron. He was diagnosed with cerebral palsy this summer. He has a very mild form thankfully and he has made a ton of progress. He is walking more and more and he has his first word. He can say ball and uh oh. We had his eyes operated on again and I think it worked this time. This is just a little peak at our summer. I hope yours was as good as mine!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Aaron can walk!

Some of you may not know, but my almost 2 year old still doesn't walk. We are still working on why, but in the mean time he has been working very hard at physical therapy and here is some video of his progress. It has taken us a while to get it on video. (He's been dodging the camera.) Pay no attention to the head band I have on. It was dress up day. Hopefully when we get his braces he will really take off.

Monday, May 25, 2009

It's been a while so here's an update on us. It is officially summer around here so the swimming has begun. This is a cute picture of my kids and my brother Josh's kids having fun in the jacuzzi.

Isaac took Aaron to his first baseball game. They had a lot of fun in their baseball hats.Alli and Aaron continue to take darn cute pictures together.Allison turned four years old. She got a new haircut, dress, and shoes for the occasion. We love her to pieces. She is our little ball of fire.Alexis finished her first year of school. We are so proud of her. When can I send her back again?In other news, Aaron has been seeing a lot of doctors and therapists lately. He started PT and speech and is making some really good progress. He is taking steps on a regular basis and is starting to learn how to sign. He is getting braces for his legs this week. His feet point out when he is standing so his ortho is trying to fix it. He will be having surgery on his eyes again on June 8th. Isaac will be out of town AGAIN for surgery day, but we will get through it anyway. Aaron is also seeing a nuerologist on Wednesday. Hopefully we will get some answers about some of his issues soon. I guess they don't call it practicing medicine for nothing.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!
I hope all you mommys out there have a wonderful day.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


We had a good Easter. It was very exciting to have Aaron wear real clothes for a day. Unfortunately, he had to go back to sleepers the next day. We had a little egg hunt at our house right after church, then went to Isaac's aunts house for another egg hunt and dinner. It was a beautiful day and we had a good family day.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

So sweet

This is Aaron watching conference during the prayer. I haven't taught him to fold his arms yet, but I guess he is watching us. I think I sometimes underestimate Aaron because of all his issues, but he showing me everyday how smart he is. Now if we could get him to walk...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Camping and house painting

We went camping over spring break. It took us about 5 hours to get to a campsite 1 hour away, but we made it and the kids had fun. We took them on a hike which was fine until we had to cross a really cold stream. Lexi held Alli's hand and made her fall all the way in. She was a little uncomfortable after that.

We have also been working very hard on our house the last few weeks. Isaac's gotten most of the landscaping done and we got the house painted. It came out really good. We love it.

Here is the house before.
During and...

Monday, March 2, 2009

Oh Utah, why are you so far away?

We had a ton of fun in Utah. We started by stopping and Amber and Jaron's house in Hurricane. We went to these red rocks and took the kids for a hike. I was nervous the whole time, but the kids did great and had so much fun. Alli wanted to go again as soon as we got back to the car.

After Hurricane we went to Salt Lake to go to one of Isaac's oldest friends, Ryan and Ali's, endowments and sealing. It was a lot of fun doing a live session, but it took so long. We are so happy for Ryan and Ali and were so glad we could be there with them. We spent the rest of our trip in Springville with my brother Andy. The kids had so much fun playing with their cousins. We love being able to come visit them. We were lucky to be there to celebrate their daughter Brynn's first birthday. She REALLY enjoyed that cake! She was like a vacuum. We should have video taped it.

We drove home through Vegas this time and got to go over the Hoover Dam. I have never been there before and it was dang cool. This is the bridge they are building over it.
Aaron sums up our vacation nicely here. We had a ton of fun, but we are all really tired and trying to get back to our normal lives.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Snow day

We couldn't take Aaron to church a couple weeks ago so we decided to go for a drive and find some snow. We only found a little bit, but it was enough for the girls. They were ready to leave after about 30 minutes because they were cold.

This was pretty much the extent of the snow. They still had a snowball fight though.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Things have been good, until...

Things have been going well for us lately. Isaac's health is improving, Aaron's eye's are finally going straight, and I got made permanent at work. So of course the Lord decided things were too easy. Aaron and Alexis went in for their well child checks last week. Lexi is in the 50th percentile like always, but Aaron has fallen off the charts. He is in the under 5th percentile because he is so small. He also had to get shots, which I didn't think anything about. He gets shots all the time with no problems. He started scratching his face like crazy a few days ago so we just thought his excema had spread. Then I started thinking. Some of his sores looked really gross and irritated and his excema cream wasn't working at all. Finally today I remembered what happened to Alexis after her 18 month appointment. She got the Varicella vaccine which gave her chicken pox and the same thing happened to Aaron. It isn't supposed to be contagious or very bad when they get it this way, but we will keep him away from the masses for few days just in case. He looks horrible, but I don't think he feels that badly. Hopefully this will clear up soon.

Isaac had fun putting the calomine lotion on Aaron.